Need more information?

If you want to speak to someone, other than your healthcare professional, about your emotional wellbeing and mental health, the following helplines are available:

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Any feedback for us?

We want to ensure this tool was useful to you and is useful to others in the future. So, we would be grateful if you could answer a couple of questions below. The questionnaire is anonymous, so please try to answer honestly. It will take approximately one minute.

To what extent do you agree with the following statements on a scale from 1-5, 1 being strongly disagree and 5 being strongly agree:

Question 1

The tool helped me feel more aware of and comfortable with my emotions

Question 2

I feel more able to engage in the present moment

Question 3

I have a better understanding of what is important to me

Question 4

I will make more time for the people and activities that matter to me

Question 5

I am moving towards living the life I want to lead with my MS

Question 6

I would recommend this tool to other people with MS

About ACT MySelf

ACT MySelf was developed by Biogen in collaboration with people with MS, MS specialist nurses, an MS clinical psychologist and the MS Trust.

This tool is not intended to replace professional psychological support. It’s important that people living with MS discuss their psychological and emotional wellbeing with their healthcare team.

Information for HCPs

This tool is based on the cognitive behavioural technique known as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). It was developed by Biogen in collaboration with people with MS, MS specialist nurses, an MS clinical psychologist and the MS Trust. ACT aims to help people to learn strategies to live life more in the present, with more focus on the values and goals that are important to them and less focus on painful thoughts, feelings and experiences.

The tool comprises information and self-directed exercises and has been specifically designed for people with MS. People can work through the tool at their own pace and in whatever order they choose, and complete as many or as few exercises as they wish. They are encouraged to take time to stop and reflect and to consider both their physical and emotional wellbeing as they work through the tool.

If directing a person living with MS to this tool, it is important to establish a baseline understanding of how they are living their life and what activities they would like to do more of but feel unable to do because of the emotional side of MS. This baseline can be returned to you at a follow-up visit to determine the impact of using this tool. It is also recommended that you make time to review all chapters of this tool before discussing with patients, especially if you are unfamiliar with the concept of ACT.

This self-help tool is not intended to replace professional psychological support.

About Cleo™

Cleo™ is a health and wellbeing application (app) designed to be an everyday digital companion to provide information and support for people living with MS, as well as their carers, friends and family.

The app’s 4 main features include:

  • Information, articles and stories for people living with MS 
  • Personal Journal – a simple way for MS patients to keep track of their health and set treatment and appointment reminders 
  • Health and wellbeing programmes designed to help people living with MS 
  • Cleo™ Chat – users can chat with a Cleo™ Advisor who can help them make the most of Cleo™ articles, programmes and features for the MS community and is available to download for free on iPhone and Android

Cleo™ does not discuss any treatments with specific medicines or provide any medical advice. Patients are always encouraged to speak to their healthcare professional for medical advice.

*CleoTM is not currently available in Ireland.